Monday, April 28, 2014

Rainmeter Custom Desktop Skin

Keep update on this project by following this link...

April 30, 2014
Changed from Images to Buttons (Changes Icon based on mouse action - hover/click)
 - Includes Paint.Net PDN files for you to change
Battery Skin
 - Changed "Charging" to "AC Power"

Future versions will include the option to disable Right mouse button by adding
RightMouseUpAction=[] at the top of each skin in the [Rainmeter] section.

April 29, 2014

Shutdown/Restart/Log Off Bug - You will have to change the Logoff.cmd and Restart.cmd commands to say shutdown.exe other wise it will run the shutdown.cmd file before the shutdown.exe file. 

April 28, 2014
Uploaded the Rainmeter skin for the Custom Lync Room system to DeviantArt

Requires Rainmeter 3.1 -

Latest version of the Lync Room System Rainmeter Skin

This allows for desktop icons, date, time, battery level, speaker levels and custom application launching without "explorer.exe" running.

Added the Rainmeter.exe with custom rainmeter.ini to load this skin via the computer startup script.

See previous article...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Custom Lync Room System

Keep update on this project by following this link...

This past month (April 2014) has been spent working on a custom Lync Room System solution that doesn't involve purchasing a Lync Room System.

Followed the Lync Room System deployment guide for the LRS account setup, but instead of the LRS special software/hardware...
It uses the Lync 2013 client and can be deployed to any Windows 7 computer.

Update - April 30, 2014 - Now using Rainmeter software to add Desktop icons, clock, volume control and battery level.

Setting up the computer to Autologin with LRS account.

Custom Lync Room Startup Video

Detailed Setup for the Custom Lync Room System

Resource Links
Lync LRS Deployment guide -

Automatic Login Windows 7 -

Sysinternals - BGInfo program for custom wallpaper background -

Sysinternals - Suite - Used PSkill and PSExec programs -

Encode a Script -

Lync Custom Commands -