Friday, August 8, 2014

SCCM 2012 Clients with Random Software Update Install Failures

Yesterday (Aug. 7, 2014) our SCCM clients started randomly failing to install locally published software updates.  Then even the new RDS servers started failing to install Windows updates via SCCM.  Yet for some reason other clients would install updates

First thought was WSUS certificate issues or Group Policy settings...  Strike one and two.

Try again in the morning...

Of course they didn't magically fix themselves over night (when does that ever happen).

This morning no clients would install any updates.

Looking at the windows update logs on the client machines found error about communication with the endpoint at http .... /clientwebservice/client.asmx.

So the WSUS server was the problem...

Sure enough Windows Update Server Service errors - Event ID in the Application log 12002,12012,12032,12042,12052,12072.

Started with restarting the WSUS service and Window Internal database service... Strike three.

Still not out... maybe I'll just stop using baseball references...

Started looking at the System event log and found that WAS or WsusPool had failed, so onto an IIS investigation. 

Restarting the WSUSPool, it look promising... Wsus was starting... no errors, but then failed after maxing out the CPU for about 5 minutes.

Found one website that said there was no solution, had to rebuild the server from scratch.  That would be bad... very bad... At that point I thought of restoring the system from the day before it failed.

Kept searching the internet for nearly 2 hours and then finally came up with this process...

1) IIsreset /noforce

2) Restarted the Windows Internal database service

3) Deleted the preferences in %appdata%\Microsoft\MMC for WSUS

4) Opened WSUS management console and waited...

Everything was back to normal and actually the final solution is not that complicated.

As with all solutions... there is no guarantee.  It worked for me, it may not work for you.

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