In preparing for a Universal Imaging Task sequence, the thought came across my mind, what if I want to see what's going on and the computer is 2 hours away?
Once the task sequence installs Windows, we have it install UltraVNC so after that point it is possible to remotely connect. However what about before when the computer has booted from our PXE server and is running Windows PE.
Here is the quick and dirty version of how we can now VNC into a computer that has started up in Windows PE.
1) Create Standard WIM file using the Windows ADK and then before committing the changes...
1a) Created an 'xtras' folder on the root of the mount folder (I called it 'xtras' because it's always drive x: in our PE environment)
2) UltraVNC program with password protection
2a) Installed on test system running Windows 7 with any settings (i.e. password)
2b) Copied the UltraVNC found in Program Files to mount\xtras
3) Create Computername.vbs and copy into mount\xtras
3a) Basic script that extracts the IP address of the computer using WMI
3b) Disables the WinPE firewall - "wpeutil disablefirewall"
3c) Installs UltraVNC
3d) Popup message with IP address - only on screen for 90secs so that it does not prevent the task sequence from running.
4) Create startup.cmd file in mount\xtras
4a) In that file, it runs wscript.exe %systemdrive%\xtras\computername.vbs
5) Once files have been copied to the mount\xtras folder, you can commit the changes to the WIM and proceed with importing it into SCCM.
6) Create at 'winpeshl.ini' file (See below)
6a) Save to... C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\OSD\bin\x64 or C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\OSD\bin\i386
7) Add Drivers and any extra components that you require
8) Distribute/update boot images.
'winpeshl.ini' file contents
[LaunchApps]computername.vbs example.
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32\wpeutil.exe, "initializenetwork"
'Extract Computer DetailsReferences...
'Version 3.01 WMI Query
'May 1, 2015
on error resume next
Dim oTaskSequence
'Create Objects
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2") 'Local computer WMI
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE MACAddress > ''"
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( strQuery, "WQL", 48 )
For Each objItem In colItems
for each IP in ObjItem.IPAddress
If left(IP,4) = "192." then
strIP = IP & vbCRLF & strIP
end if
StrInfo = "If you require any assistance..." & vbCRLF &_
"Please send this information to the IP department." & vbCRLF &_
vbCRLF & "IP Address: " & strIP
cmdFirewall = "wpeutil disablefirewall" cmdFirewall,0,1
cmdUltra = "%systemdrive%\xtras\UltraVnc\winvnc.exe -install"
'msgbox cmdUltra cmdUltra
objShell.Popup strInfo, 90, "Message Box Title"
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