Here is one way to monitor those 911/emergency calls on a Cisco CME system.
In a later post, I will explain how we use that demoLock.txt file to send broadcasts to other phones using the Push2Phone.php file provided by Cisco's IP Services development kit.
Using Cisco's Event Manager applets we can monitor any dial peer and send out notifications to end users.In a later post, I will explain how we use that demoLock.txt file to send broadcasts to other phones using the Push2Phone.php file provided by Cisco's IP Services development kit.
Basic Required Settings
event manager environment _email_from
event manager environment _email_to
event manager environment _email_server
voice emergency response settings
elin 5555551234
Sample dial-peers (We use an 'Emergency lockdown' number for paging)
dial-peer voice 1407 pots
description Emergency Paging
emergency response zone
preference 1
destination-pattern 1407
port 0/1/0
prefix ,07#
dial-peer voice 600 potsCreate a syslog event monitor that is trigger when one of the dial peers is called.
trunkgroup pstn-outgoing
description 911
emergency response zone
preference 1
destination-pattern 911
forward-digits all
event manager applet Emergency_Call_OutFind the hostname and set the destination email (if you want to use something other than what was declared in the Basic Required Settings)
event syslog occurs 1 pattern "E911-5-EMERGENCY_CALL_HISTORY" period 1
action 001 cli command "enable"
action 001.1 foreach line "$_cli_result" "\n"
action 001.2 regexp "#" "$line"
action 001.3 if $_regexp_result eq "1"
action 001.4 set result_host "$line"
action 001.5 regexp "[A-Za-z]+\-" "$line" result_Site
action 001.6 end
action 001.7 end
action 001.8 set _email_to ""
Do some regexp work to extract the "Calling number, Mac-address & IP address" of the call being placed - used for logging purposes.
action 002.01 set result_Ext "Empty"Getting the "Called Number" (Regular numbers and E164 format)
action 002.02 regexp "calling number\[([0-9]+)\]" "$_syslog_msg" result_Ext
action 002.03 regexp "([0-9]+)" "$result_Ext" result_Ext
action 002.10 set result_Mac "Empty"
action 002.11 cli command "show ephone telephone-number $result_Ext | include mac-address"
action 002.12 foreach line "$_cli_result" "\n"
action 002.13 regexp "(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)" "$line"
action 002.14 if $_regexp_result eq "1"
action 002.15 regexp "....\.....\....." "$line" result_Mac
action 002.16 end
action 002.17 end
action 002.20 set result_IP "Empty"
action 002.21 cli command "show ephone $result_Mac | include IP"
action 002.22 foreach line "$_cli_result" "\n"
action 002.23 regexp "10\.174\....\...." "$line"
action 002.24 if $_regexp_result eq "1"
action 002.25 regexp "10\.174\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+" "$line" result_IP
action 002.26 end
action 002.27 end
action 002.30 if $result_Mac eq "Empty"
action 002.31 cli command "show voice register pool telephone-number $result_Ext | include 10.174"
action 002.32 foreach line "$_cli_result" "\n"
action 002.33 regexp "(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)" "$line"
action 002.34 if $_regexp_result eq "1"
action 002.35 regexp "....\.....\....." "$line" result_Mac
action 002.36 end
action 002.37 regexp "10\.174\....\...." "$line"
action 002.38 if $_regexp_result eq "1"
action 002.39 regexp "10\.174\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+" "$line" result_IP
action 002.40 end
action 002.41 end
action 002.42 end
action 002.50 set result_Called "Empty"Copy the results to the flash
action 002.51 regexp "called number\[([0-9]+)\]" "$_syslog_msg" result_Called
action 002.52 regexp "([0-9]+)" "$result_Called" result_Called
action 002.53 if $result_Called eq "Empty"
action 002.53.01 regexp "called number\[\+([0-9]+)\]" "$_syslog_msg" result_Called
action 002.53.02 regexp "([0-9]+)" "$result_Called" result_Called
action 002.53.03 end
action 003.01.01 set result_Final "$result_Site $result_Ext $result_Mac $result_IP $result_Called"Copy to an offsite TFTP server. (The "no file prompt quiet" - prevents prompt for file names)
action 003.02.01 file open fh flash:911.txt w
action 003.02.02 file write fh $result_Final
action 003.02.03 file close fh
action 003.03 cli command "configure terminal"Send an email with the information
action 003.04 cli command "file prompt quiet"
action 003.05 cli command "end"
action 003.06.01 if $result_Called eq "911"
action 003.06.02 cli command "copy flash:911.txt tftp://eventlogger/demo911.txt"
action 003.06.03 else
action 003.06.04 cli command "copy flash:911.txt tftp://eventlogger/demoLock.txt"
action 003.06.05 end
action 003.07 cli command "configure terminal"
action 003.08 cli command "no file prompt quiet"
action 003.09 cli command "end"
action 003.10 mail server "$_email_server" to "$_email_to" from "$_email_from" subject "$result_host $_event_pub_time: Emergency call out $result_Called" body "Extension $result_Ext called $result_Called. Notification was sent to phones."
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